En esta sección aparecen los capítulos de libro más relevantes publicados por el grupo REM
- Gómez-López, V. M., Bhat, R., Pellicer, J.A. 2022. Pulsed light. In: Gómez-López, V. M., Bhat, R. (eds.). Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science, p.p. 200-219. Wiley, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-75951-5. .
- Bhat, R., George, B.P., Gómez-López, V. M. 2022. Electron beams. In: Gómez-López, V. M., Bhat, R. (eds.). Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science, p.p. 74-104. Wiley, Oxford, UK. ISBN: 978-1-119-75951-5 .
- Gómez-López, V.M. (2020). Pulsed light technology. En: Knoerzer, K., Muthukumarappan, K. (eds.). Innovative Food Processing Technologies, A Comprehensive Review. Vol. 2. pp. 419-423. Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-815782-4.
- Pinalysa Cosma , Paola Semeraro , José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández, José Antonio Pellicer Balsalobre, Paola Fini , Vito Rizzi , Estrella Núñez Delicado (2017). Removal of an azo textile dye from wastewater cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin polymers. Cyclodextrin. In Tech Open Science. Páginas 0-1.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López, Parag Gogate (2017). Reconditioning of vegetable wash water physical methods. Food Safety and Protection. CRC. Páginas 169-185.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López, Adriana Izquier (2016). Chlorine dioxide in preservation of minimally processed horticultural produce. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables: technology, physiology, and safety. CRC Press. ISBN: 978-1-49872-994-9.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López, Neil J. Rowan , V. Valdramidis (2016). Microbial Inactivation Kinetics Pulsed Light. High Intensity Pulsed Light in Processing and Preservation of Foods. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-63484-845-9.
- Gómez-López, V. M.; Gogate, P. R. (2016). Reconditioning of vegetable wash water physical methods. En : Food Safety and Protection. (V. Ravishankar and A. Jamuna Bai, eds.). CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 9781498762878.
- Pilar Hernández Sánchez, Juana María Morillas Ruiz (2015). Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defenses Induced Physical Exercise. Basic Principles and Clinical Significance of Oxidative Stress. INTECH. Páginas 50-70.
- Patricia Navarro Martínez, L Noguera Artiaga, Santiago López-Miranda González, A Carbonell Barrachina, Antonio José Pérez López (2015). Goji Berry Juice. Handbook of Functional Beverages and Human Health. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. Páginas 239-249. ISBN: 978-1-4665-9642-9.
- María Isabel Rodríguez López, María Teresa Mercader Ros, Carmen Lucas Abellán, Estrella Núñez Delicado, José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández (2015). Encapsulación de Linalool en ciclodextrinas como via para mejorar su estabilidad. Libro de Ponencias y Comunicaciones del VIII Congreso CYTA-CESIA. OREXCO. Páginas 228-228.
- María Isabel Rodríguez López, Carmen Lucas Abellán, María Teresa Mercader Ros, Ana Serrano Martínez, José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández, Estrella Núñez Delicado (2015). Encapsulación de Apigenina con HP-ß-CDs a diferentes pH. Libro de Ponencias y Comunicaciones del VIII Congreso CYTA-CESIA. OREXCO. Páginas 304-304.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López (2015). Pulsed light and packaging. Reference Module in Food Sciences. Elsevier. Páginas 1-5. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.03279-0. ISBN: 9780081005965.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López (2015). Pulsed light technology. Reference Module in Food Sciences. Elsevier. Páginas 1-5. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.03304-7. ISBN: 9780081005965.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López (2014). Chlorine Dioxide. Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition. Elsevier Inc., Academic Press. Páginas 864-866. ISBN 978-0-12-386455-0.
- Vicente Manuel Gómez López, R Bhat (2014). Photonic methods for pathogen inactivation. Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. Wiley-Blackwell. Páginas 200-230.
- R Bhat , Vicente Manuel Gómez López (2014). Radionuclides in food: past, present and future. Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions . Wiley-Blackwell. Páginas 305-335.
- María Teresa Mercader Ros, Carmen Lucas Abellán, María Isabel Fortea Gorbe, Ana Serrano Martínez, José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández, Estrella Núñez Delicado (2013). Biological Activities of Kaempferol: Effect of Cyclodextrins Complexation on the Properties of Kaempferol . Kaempferol: Chemistry, Natural Occurrences and Health Benefits. Nova science publishers. Páginas 1-32. ISBN 978-1-62618-5.
- Ana Serrano Martínez, María Isabel Fortea Gorbe, Francisco Moises Del Amor , Carmen Lucas Abellán, María Teresa Mercader Ros, José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández, Adela Martínez-Cachá Martinez (2012). Parameterrs of pepper fruit quality trens in food technology. Peppers: Nutrition, consumption and health. Nova science publishers. Páginas 75-98
- Mercader Ros, María Teresa; Lucas Abellán, Carmen; Fortea Gorbe, Mª Isabel; Martínez-Cachá Martinez, Adela; Gabaldón Hernández, José Antonio; Núñez Delicado, Estrella. (2012). Quercetin: Dietary sources, functions and health benefits (nutrition and diet research progress). Beneficial health effects of quercetin and how to improve, pp. 155 – 178. Nova science publishers. ISBN 9781619420588
- Lucas Abellán, Carmen; Fortea Gorbe, Mª Isabel; Mercader Ros, María Teresa; Martínez-Cachá Martinez, Adela; Gabaldón Hernández, José Antonio; Núñez Delicado, Estrella. (2012). Resveratrol: Sources, production and health benefits. Resveratrol and cyclodextrins: recent advances in encapsulation, pp. 491 – 508. Nova science publishers, ISBN 9781622570720
- Fortea Gorbe, Mª Isabel; Lucas Abellán, Carmen; Mercader Ros, María Teresa; Serrano Martínez, Ana; Martínez-Cachá Martinez, Adela; Gabaldón Hernández, José Antonio; Núñez Delicado, Estrella. (2012). Polyphenols: Chemistry, dietary sources and health benefits (Nutrition and diet research progress biochemistry research trends).Health-promoting properties of polyphenols encapsulation: phytoalexins and flavonols, pp. 255 – 284. Nova science publishers. ISBN 9781620818688
- María Teresa Mercader Ros; Carmen Lucas Abellán; Mª Isabel Fortea Gorbe; Adela Martínez-Cachá Martinez; José Antonio Gabaldón Hernández; Estrella Núñez Delicado. (2012). Quercetin: Dietary sources, functions and health benefits (nutrition and diet research progress). Beneficial health effects of quercetin and how to improve, pp. 155 – 178. Nova science publishers, ISBN 9781619420588.
- Gabaldón JA, Núñez-Delicado, E. (2010). Biotechnology of Oxygenases with Food Applications. En: Encyclopedia of biotechnology in agriculture and food, TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP Eds, 1, 469-473. ISBN: 1072954.
- López-Miranda S, López-Miranda V. (2010). Beneficios cardiovasculares del aceite de oliva. En Abellán J, Zafrilla MP, Alimentanción y Riesgos Cardiovascular. pp. 369-389. ISBN: 978-84-963-0480-8. Visto Bueno Equipo Creativo S.L. España.
- Núñez-Delicado E, Gabaldón J.A. (2010). Cyclodextrins in agriculture and food. En Encyclopedia of biotechnology in agriculture and food, TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP Eds, 1, 187-190. ISBN: 1072954.
- Soler Marín A. (2010). Intervención dietética en el paciente con riesgo cardiovascular. En Abellán J, Zafrilla MP, Alimentanción y Riesgos Cardiovascular. pp. 407-437. ISBN: 978-84-963-0480-8. Visto Bueno Equipo Creativo S.L. España.